020 8949 3222 contact@kbfinance.co.uk

Property Development

Finding The Right Lender For Your Development Projects Can Be Crucial To Its Success And Profitability. We Know The Lenders Who Can Provide The Scale Of Lending You Need To Realise Your Project Goals.


If you are involved in the building industry or make a living from Property Development and refurbishment, then the good news is that funds are available for profitable projects which fit criteria. Property Development and Refurbishment loans are provided from £50K upwards.

Underwriting Criteria:

  1. Property Types
    • All residential property types supported.
  2. Experience
    • The borrower or proposed main contractor should have a good CV and be able to demonstrate experience in the sector.
  3. Local Demand
    • Applications should be supported by good evidence of demand in the local area.
  1. Retention
    • If properties are to be retained on completion a long term re-finance option can be provided.
  2. Mixed Schemes
    • Mixed use and Commercial Schemes can be supported subject to a demonstrable demand on completion.
  3. Developments
    • Developments should demonstrate sufficient margin to absorb any possible future reduction in the anticipated Gross Developed Value (GDV) of the project.

On average we can provide funding based on a % of the estimated GDV of the project. In the case of experienced developers however, we can often provide a higher funding % of the site purchase, development and finance costs.

We can also introduce Mezzanine Loans, a way to raise the funds you need, secured on the future of your business. It offers a high level of funding, but you will need to repay the debt and interest charges – if you fail to repay, the lender will have the right to take an agreed proportion of equity interest in the company.

Property Development Finance includes a wide range of solutions, knowing the most suitable types of funding can mean saving valuable time as well as reducing costs. Let us help you negotiate the right deal, our advice is given freely, in confidence and without obligation.  Contact us now to discuss how we can help you access the funding you need.

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